Monday, May 27, 2013

What I've Been up To

Hey everyone! I hope you've all had a great Memorial Day weekend! I've been having a lot of fun, and I thought I'd show you what's going on. Hope you Enjoy

xoxo Morgan

This weekend I went down to my family's summer house in Osterville, Cape Cod. I had so much fun but the weather was awful.
Lately I've been dying to redo my craft space. As of now, all I have is a couple old tables in an unfinished basement. I'd love to put up a couple pink walls, frames, chandelier and use an antique dresser as my counter space. 

Tonight I ate the tastiest summer dinner! My absolute favorite things are bell peppers, so when I ate them grilled with grilled onions, grilled chicken, roasted potatoes, and corn on the cob, it was fantastic!

Finally, if I could live in any era, I'd definitely have to choose  the 1950s. I've always been so intrigued by the idea of becoming a house wife, wearing such fancy dresses, and dancing all night to swing.   

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