Monday, May 6, 2013

Closet Tour and How to Redo Your Closet

Happy Monday! Yesterday I decided to dedicate my Sunday to tackle what I've been meaning to do for MONTHS; the closet. I wanted to change out my Fall/Winter clothes and remove any unwanted items. I also wanted to use the space better and incorporate some new storage techniques. Here's how I was able to do it, let me know what you think! 

xoxo Morgan

Here is an overview of how I organized. 

In order to clean, empty out the closet, vacuum, and use lysol wipes to disinfect and remove dust. Then draw out a plan of where everything should go. 

With the shelf space in my closet, I hung a bulletin board on the wall behind. Here, I posted some of my favorite fashion pics and a 7 day forecast so I can plan my outfits. 

On the next shelf, I folded my shorts.

On the top shelf I put three pairs of shoes, two that are strictly Fall and my favorite heels.

In the inside wall, I hung these hooks to store belts.

On the right shelf, I stacked these black bins and used them as bag containers. 

Then I stacked these smaller bins for my scarves and headbands.

In the first drawer, I folded my cotton tees.

In the next drawer I put my bathing suits and coverups.

In the third drawer I put my workout clothes.

On the top left I hung my spring tops and skirts. Below are my fall items.

Last, I hung my dresses on this hanging bar. 

Hope you enjoyed! 

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