Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Party!

Hello everyone! Today I thought I'd show you the highlights from my Easter party. Let me know what you think!
xoxo Morgan

Dainty table settings and an egg centerpiece.

Bunny goody bags! These were a big hit!

Tulips and conversation.

Egg Scavenger hunt! This was done in addition to a classic free-for-all egg hunt.

Last but not least, my Peeps banner. I must say I'm especially proud of these little guys. I found some peeps templates online then fit them to some card stock, and wha-la!

I also wanted to say thank you to my wonderful friend Maggie for sharing my blog on hers and for this adorable chick cake pop! visit her blog here.

Hope you enjoyed!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Dynamic Duos

Happy Wednesday Beauties:) Here are a few of my favorite fashion pairings for this spring. Which is your favorite?

 Oxfords & Headwraps

This is one of my favorite pairs of trendy accessories. Headwraps can be worn so many ways with tons of different styles. When paired with oxfords, the two are so flirty and sweet.

Cat-Eye Sunglasses and Red Lips

This look is a classic. I love the fact that the flair in the glasses are slightly mysterious and are ignited with the bold lip. So sexy!
Blush & Aqua

If you're looking for a more colorful pair, try blush and aqua! These colors are spontaneously chic and look simply elegant together. 

Happy Styling!

xoxo Morgan

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My Favorite Easter Manicures

Hey everyone! With Easter just 5 days away, I thought I'd share some of my favorite Easter manicures with you. Links listed below!

Enjoy! xoxo Morgan

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

16 Weird Facts TAG

1. What's a nickname only your family calls you?

To be honest, my family doesn't call me anything that weird, however as you can guess there are a plethora of nicknames to be generated off of "Morgan". To name a few, "Morg", "Morgs", "Morgie", "Morgo" and even "Mog" which is "Morg" without the 'r'. 

2. What's a weird habit of yours?

This may or may not count as a habit, but I am OBSESSED with time. I need to know what time it is always, so I guess my weird habit is time-checking.

3. Do you have any weird phobias?

Omg, YES. I have the strongest case of Omphlaphobia, otherwise known as the fear of belly buttons. I cringe at the thought of belly buttons, belly button picking, and the depth of bellybuttons. My worst fear is bellybutton filling or probing. Just thinking about it is making me want to vomit. Other than that, I also have a huge fear of bees. I have been stung by a bee every four years of my life, and get instant paranoia at the sight of one. 

4. What's a song you secretly love to blast and belt out when you're alone? 

I love to belt and dance Frank Sinatra alone. It's the weirdest thing but I have to do it alone and it is so relaxing for some reason.

5. What's one of your biggest pet peeves?

As my friends know, I have a running list of pet peeves. Number 1 though has to be when people stand in the middle of a significant path of transportation, such as a grocery store isle, narrow street, or hallway and block the entire thing to chat. It drives me crazy how inconsiderate and stupid people can be sometimes. 

6. What's one of your nervous habits? 

Of all my weird habits, I'd have to say the funniest one has to be when I was in 4th grade, I would bend my knee and hold it against my back when I was nervous. Fortunately I was able to break this habit but I was never aware I was even doing it for awhile.  

7. What side of the bed do you sleep on?

I sleep on whatever side of the bed is closest to the clock due to my time fetish.

8. What was your first stuffed animal and its name?

My first stuffed animal was my black lab, Steve. He could even convert to a puppet and had a distinct  voice that resemble that of someone whose mouth was filled with marbles.

9. What's the drink that you always order at Starbucks?

I personally enjoy just drinking tap water out of the fancy Starbucks cup, but if I'm getting a treat I love the Double Chocolatey Chip Frappaccino. 

10. What's a beauty rule that you preach but never actually practice?

I'm so guilty to say this, but I rarely moisturize unless my face is actually feeling dry.

11. Which way do you face in the shower?

I face towards the water but not actually under the water, if you know what I mean. If I'm washing my hair, I face away from the water.

12. Do you have any weird body skills?

I wish I could put my foot behind my head or something, but all I have going for me is a hitchhiker thumb:)

13. What's your favorite comfort food that is 'bad' but you love to eat anyways?

Chocolate chip recatta canoli all the way!:)

14. What's a phrase or exclamation you always say?

I find myself using the term "freeloader" a lot, it has many uses. For example, if your friend asks to share the chips you bought at Chipotle, they are freeloading off of you and your chips.

15. Time to sleep, what are you actually wearing?

Since it is currently spring but pretty much winter, I wear a tee shirt, flannel pajama bottoms, and socks to bed. In the Summer, I wear a tee shirt and cotton shorts to bed but my feet must still be covered. 

16. What did you used to wear that you thought was cool but now realize it wasn't that hot?

In third grade, I thought I was really trendy by wearing a gray skirt, knee socks, black mary jane Velcro strap shoes, an argile shirt and jean jacket with pig tails. As you can imagine, that did not last long. 

Hope you enjoyed! What are your 16 weird facts?

xoxo Morgan

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Flamboyant Easter Cards

Hello! Lately I've been working on some new spring crafts, including these adorable Easter cards! To tell you the truth, I really just wanted to use the word flamboyant. But anyway, this craft includes an awesome bow tutorial that can be applied to anything, including hair bows! The best part about it?No measuring, no pinning, no seam allowance, no patterns! 
Happy crafting! 

xoxo Morgan

  • Colored Cardstock
  • Egg Template
  • Fabric for bow
  • Thread and sewing machine or needle
  • Hot Glue Gun

To start the bow construction, select a piece of any fabric. I'm using a bit of this blue checkered scrap. You don't need to measure:) In fact, the more raw edge showing, the cuter and springier the bow will be.

Then, pinch the approximate middle of the fabric piece until you have ended up with something like what's on the right. The only reason I pinned it was to secure it for the photo. No pinning is necessary:)

Then simply sew over that folded piece, making sure to backstitch.

If you'd like, you can cut a strip off the longer side so that the "ears" of the bow here. You'll use that piece later. 

From here, it's just about knipping and tucking as a plastic sergeant would say. I chose to fold the flaps over and sew from the back. Just play around until you get the look you desire. 

Using that spare piece from before, or a small strip, hot glue the strip to the top of your bow's center. Bring it around the entire two and secure. Cut off any excess.

Glue to your card stock, and there you go! A truly flamboyant Easter egg. 

God's Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Cookies

Well, it's another snowy day up here despite spring starting tomorrow. To ease the sadness, I thought I'd bake some of my Reese's Cookies. I say that their God's because let me tell you; they are EXTREMELY DELICIOUS. 

Hope you enjoy! xoxo Morgan


  • 1-1/4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter or margarine, softened
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1/3 cup REESE'S Creamy Peanut Butter
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 cup Chocolate Chips
  • 6 cup REESE'S Peanut Butter Cups
  • 2 Graham Crackers
  • Makes 27 cookies

Preheat the oven to 350. Then get out 6 delicious Reese's peanut butter cups. Don't give into temptation. Remember you need them for the cookies.

Unwrap the Reese's and chop them into medium size pieces.

To prepare your Reese's peanut butter, smash 2 graham crackers in a zip block bag. Add 1/3 cup of any peanut  butter into the bag and mix it all up. I'm telling you; this is the secret to your very own Reese's peanut butter.

Gather your sugar, peanut butter, and softened butter together in your electric mixer. Blend until creamy.

Add one egg and a 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla and blend. 

Next, separately stir flour and baking soda before adding it to the butter/egg concoction. Mix nicely, then add 1 cup of any type of chocolate chips and the chopped Reese's cups.

Stir the chocolate chips and peanut butter cups. Doesn't it look scrumptious?

Finally, place nine drops of cookie dough on a cookie sheet and cook for about twelve minutes so that the cookies are light brown. 

And that's it. You have yourself 27 of the world's most delicious peanut butter chocolate chips cookies. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone! Here's a look at my favorite Leprechaun-day finds!

Have a great Sunday!
xoxo Morgan

These End of the Rainbow Cupcakes will be an easy hit at any get together where kids are present!

There's nothing I love better than a Leprechaun scavenger hunt! 

Finally, show someone how much they mean to you with this adorable Lucky Charm Card.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sentimental Earrings?

Hey beauties! Today I have a few pieces of jewelry inspired by my favorite summer memories. Let me know what you think! 

xoxo Morgan
 These beautiful coral earrings remind me so much of orange sherbet and eating ice cream on a hot summer day. You can find them at Francesca's Boutique.
These gorgeous Modcloth earrings remind me of hydrangeas and whicker, an iconic memory of my Cape Cod summers. 

This third and final pair also from Modcloth is truly my favorite. Immediately, the gold scallop shells take me back to summers on the beach and parties in Lilly dresses. Obviously this photo has no connection to the earrings, yet it just makes me think one day this summer I was lying on the beach when this Hood blimp flew over! It was so cool and I just remember feeling so relaxed and content:)

What are you favorite summer memories?

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Spring Beauty Trends

At long last, spring is just 9 days away! That means it's time to break out your colorful spring makeup! What's your favorite product for this spring? 

First up is vibrant pink lips. I love the girlyness this color gives. It flatters a variety of skin tones and looks great with pastels. Sort of like a tribute to Barbie, haha!
Left: Maybelline Pink Pop 
Right: YSL

The next trend is that gorgeous glowy cheek look. It's easy to create if you have the right product and looks simply effortless. 
Left: Covergirl Natural Rose
Right: Mac Subtle Breeze

The third and final beauty trend for this spring is emerald eyes. They're so dazzling and unique, I'd love to see them with someone who has dark brown or hazel eyes. 
Left: Rimmel Emerald Sparkle
Right: Tarte Emerald